OHSMS in Education
Connexusohs consultants work with schools, colleges, and universities helping them create an effective Health and Safety culture. By helping you develop a structured approach to risk assessment hazards, faced by those using the academic buildings be it students, teachers, contractors, visitors, or the public, are reduced.
Our consultants have extensive knowledge in the education sector and worked extensively with the DET and the Departments OHS Advisory Service.
Connexusohs have a working knowledge and experience with the Department's OHS and related operational guidance and resources that apply to Victorian government schools as well as experience in Catholic Education and Private educational facilities.
Connexusohs will assist your school in meeting your health, safety, and wellbeing obligations from Asbestos to chemical audits and registers.
We assist you in creating and maintaining a healthy and safe working environment.
We cover
Connexusohs can assist schools and colleges in their role as employers and providers and can advise on your duties in consulting on Health and Safety matters.
Asbestos Management
Chemical Management
Confined Spaces
Contractor OHS Management
Cooling Towers
Environmental Hygiene
Equipment Isolation and Tag Out
Ergonomics and Workspace
First Aid for Students and Staff
Hot Work
Manual Handling
Mental Health and Wellbeing — Employees
Noise Management
OHS Purchasing
Plant and Equipment Management
Outdoor Activities and Working Outdoors
Prevention of Falls when Working at Heights
Reporting and Managing School Incidents (including emergencies)
Slips, Trips and Falls
Swimming Pools on School Grounds
Testing and Tagging of Electrical Equipment
Traffic Management
Volunteer OHS Management
Voice Care for Teachers
Workers’ Compensation
Working Alone, in Isolation or from Home
Workplace Bullying
Workplace Inspection
Work-Related Driving
Work-Related Violence in Schools